Alien Feast

November 19, 2017 | By

Animal mutilations have been going on for centuries, not decades, and we still know very little about them, but we’re getting better in the investigation area. Some investigators have found trace evidence of micro-meteorites on the animal’s hide, I’ve found high levels of EM (electro-magnetics) and changes in the soil nutrients (CEC’s), and we’ve all interviewed ranchers who’ve seen either UFO’s or Balls of Light from  time to time. But have animal mutilations, cows in particular, been associated with a major UFO event? The following blog was taken from a recent article I wrote for the Roswell Daily Record newspaper which may tie an animal mutilation or a type of animal phenomenon, to the 1947 Roswell UFO event.


On September 9th, 1967, members of the King family ranch in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, found the dead body of their three year old horse near the base of Blanca Peak, which is a sacred mountain of the Navajo Indian Tribe. Lady the horse, later mis-identified as Snippy, had her flesh removed around the right side of her jaw line and neck including other unusual cuts along her body. “These wounds were precisely done as if by a surgeon”, said the rancher and law enforcement at the scene. The King ranch and other ranchers in the area had experienced cattle deaths on their land before due to natural causes, but had never seen anything like this before.

Not to go into a gross detailed explanation, but the animal mutilation phenomenon consists of a death of an animal, commonly a cow or a horse under unknown and unusual circumstances. The animal is drained of blood and surgical-like cuts are seen on the carcass. I’ve personally seen some animals lying in a crop-circle-like depression and their bodies facing an east to west (or visa-versa) direction. Also, majority of them are found lying on their right side. George Knapp, an investigative reporter out of Las Vegas, Nevada, had researched and learned, that over 10,000 unusual animal mutilation cases have been reported since that 1967 case. Out of all those unusual cases investigated by law enforcement, as well as new ones, no human evidence has been found relating to the cause of death, so no one has ever been caught, or convicted of the crime. These are truly the largest animal cruelty cases in the US.

But has this been happening just since 1967? I interviewed a member of the Navajo nation in the San Luis Colorado area, and it appeared their ancestors had seen this type of animal destruction well before the European migration. With further research, I learned about another case happening before 1967.

In Volume 38, No. 11 of a 1985 Fate Magazine issue was a reprinting of an article from 1896, in Howell, Missouri, describing a UFO hovering over a rancher’s pasture. The article stated; the family first watched strange lights slowly descend upon their ranch from the night sky, eventually turning into a solid craft. The craft then hovered over their barn and pasture area where the cows were kept. The family ran into the house extremely frightened, and the youngest daughter exclaimed in the article, “This was the longest night of their lives.” The next day when checking the herd, three cows were found dead. After the father examined the carcasses, he saw they were completely void of blood.

In the summer of 2007 I had the wonderful opportunity to interview in person 99 year old Geraldine Perkins, out of Corona, New Mexico. Geraldine was a pharmacist in Corona back in 1947, when the Roswell Incident occurred. She personally knew some of the key individuals who were directly associated with that event like, Mac Brazel and Dee Proctor. She said her pharmacy store had one of only three long distance telephone lines in the town, and Mac Brazel probably used it to set up an appointment with the Roswell Sheriff to show him the debris he had found at the debris site.

I had heard that while the debris was present and even after it was removed from its scattered location that horses and live-stock refused to cross the area for a few years. Something about that debris spooked the animals. So I asked Geraldine, “Do you remember anything unusual pertaining to animals around the same time-frame people were talking about the flying saucer crash in July 1947?” I initially asked this question pertaining to the animals at the debris site, but got an unexpected answer.

Geraldine remembered a concerned rancher coming into her pharmacy store with a very unusual question. He asked her if she had heard about some cattle whose hides had turned bleach white, and if her store had any type of medication for that. Geraldine remembers this because, not only was she a pharmacist, but her store also carried essential medical supplies for the local rancher’s lives stock. This particular question was so strange that one threatening possibility could be a viral epidemic in the area. She quickly asked the rancher where this had happened, and he replied, west of Socorro, on the Plains of San Agustin, New Mexico.

Now for readers who follow the story about the 1947 Roswell incident, you might have heard there is a suspected second crash site which occurred on the Plains of San Agustin. UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Chuck Wade, hold fast to this theory. The story goes; two or more craft were flying in formation near Roswell the night of the first week of July in 1947 and collided due to atmospheric conditions combined with the microwave radar used while tracking them. Another theory is, they were actually brought down by the microwave radar system used by simply turning up the radar intensity and using it as a weapon to disrupt navigational controls. Bottom line? There’s a possibility of a second crash on the Plains of San Agustin and Geraldine Perkins’ remembers cows were reported turning bleach white in that area. She couldn’t remember if the animals had survived the event, just that a couple of ranchers were concerned about a possible viral epidemic.

So is there a tie between the two events? Cows found bleach white in an area of a supposed second UFO crash in 1947? Were these animals associated with the strange animal mutilation phenomenon still going on today? How about Animal Mutilations in general? Some say they are directly related to UFOs and Aliens! Craft and unusual balls of light have been seen in areas of the mutilations, as recently as 2016 in one of my cases. Sometimes un-marked helicopters have been seen afterwards as if the occupants are running their own post-investigation. No human evidence has ever been found causing these mutilations, and I can personally attest to that, because I’ve investigated multiple animal mutilations cases along with local law enforcement. So who is the culprit? Some unknown natural predator lurking around in the darkness of night, or could it be, some sort of an Alien Feast.

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Category: The Z-Files

About the Author ()

For the past 30 years, Chuck Zukowski has been an IC Mask Design Engineering contractor. He’s been on microchip design teams working on projects as simple as optics for traffic light controllers, and as complex as Spy Satellites, Deep Space Probes, and LIDAR technology. Within that time, Chuck was also a volunteer Deputy Sheriff for El Paso County Sheriff’s Department for eight years and was terminated for running animal mutilation investigations within his county. As a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator, Chuck has been researching and Field Investigating the unknown for more than three decades. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and had his own TV Show on the Travel Channel called, “Alien Highway”. Chuck approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before claiming otherwise. He also implements new and innovative field experiments from time to time to enhance his investigations looking for new evidence. Chuck runs his website,

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